Sunday 16 December 2012

Holiday Plans, Rainbows and Sniffles

A lovely start to the day, with blue skies and sunshine. We spent the morning deciding that we would go to Symi next September/October for three weeks next year - as well as for four weeks in May. We have yet to book the ferry to France in June/July, and continue to hope for halfway decent weather in the UK this Summer for our camping forays…
Around lunchtime,  the skies darkened at the back of the house, while the sun shone at the front and it rained - giving a glorious rainbow right opposite our house.
A little later, another one happened, although not with such intense colours as the first one.
My day has been spent in the company of a box of tissues - I have finally succumbed to the cold that has been going around. Let's hope I can shake it off quickly - that's my plan!
This day a year ago, we went down into town on a Christmas foray. I was very taken by this angel above the picture framing shop.

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